Thuê Proxy chạy Google Ads / Cần chú ý gì khi chọn proxy và email chạy G.G ads?


Cần chú ý gì khi chọn proxy và email chạy G.G ads?

So với các anh em chạy ads trên FB thì ads thủ G.G sẽ dễ thở hơn khi chọn proxy, vì G.G không quá chặt về IP. Tuy nhiên điều này không có nghĩa bạn thích dùng proxy nào cũng được. Sau đây là những điểm cần lưu ý về proxy và email để nuôi tài khoản chạy GG mà bạn nên lưu ý.


Khác với Instagram chỉ chấp nhận IP dân cư hay Facebook ưu tiên IPv4, bạn có thể dùng bất cứ loại proxy nào để chạy G.G ads: datacenter, dân cư, IPv4, IPv6 đều được. Đương nhiên với điều kiện tiên quyết là IP đó không dính blacklist G.G.

Cách kiểm tra IP có dính blacklist G.G không các bác xem lại bài viết “5 điều cần lưu ý khi kiểm tra chất lượng của proxy”


a, Trường hợp mua sẵn:

• Nếu chọn mua thì nên mua email cổ đã có tương tác, thông tin đầy đủ, độ trust cao. Chú ý nên mua nguồn uy tín để tránh mua phải email bị dính blacklist về không dùng được, bị bay camp của mình.

• Sau khi mua email thì nên dùng proxy của mình nuôi một thời gian chứ không nên dùng luôn. Chú ý dùng IP có location gần với IP cũ của email đó thì đỡ bị nghi ngờ hơn.

b, Trường hợp tự tạo:

• Điền đầy đủ thông tin, xác thực email để có độ trust cao.

• Thời gian ngâm email càng lâu càng tốt, nên tạo sẵn nhiều email để ngâm từ trước.

• Trước khi dùng để chạy ads thì bạn có thể gắn IP bẩn cho tài khoản bị ngưng rồi kháng trước 1 lần để tài khoản cứng hơn, sau kháng dễ về hơn. Chú ý là tài khoản nào chưa dùng thôi nhé, khi dùng để chạy ads thì cần đảm bảo dùng IP sạch, ổn định xuyên suốt để tránh bị G.G nghi ngờ bất thường.

1, Có thể dùng chung 1 IP cho nhiều email được không?

Không nên, nếu IP đó dính blacklist thì các tài khoản chung IP đó sẽ bị khóa.

2, Có thể dùng chung 1 thẻ thanh toán cho nhiều tài khoản không?

Có thể, nhưng chú ý nếu dùng cho camp nào d.i.e thì camp khác dùng chung sẽ nguy hiểm, nếu d.i.e quá nhiều lần thì nên bye thẻ đó luôn. Nếu dùng chung thì nên giãn ra, thẻ thanh toán nên có giao dịch từ trước, không dùng thẻ mới.

3, Nên dùng email doanh nghiệp hay email thường?

Dùng email nào cũng được, miễn là dùng email uy tín (nên đầy đủ ava, thông tin, xác minh 2 lớp…), nên dùng email đã nuôi từ trước, không dùng email mới.

4, Nếu email đã d.i.e thì có dùng lại IP nuôi email đó được không?

Không nên, nếu tài khoản cũ đã d.i.e thì khả năng cao IP đó sẽ bị kéo vào blacklist, không tạo được tài khoản mới hoặc tạo được thì tài khoản mới cũng nhanh ngỏm.

ONET IDC thành lập vào năm 2012, là công ty chuyên nghiệp tại Việt Nam trong lĩnh vực cung cấp dịch vụ Hosting, VPS, máy chủ vật lý, dịch vụ Firewall Anti DDoS, SSL… Với 10 năm xây dựng và phát triển, ứng dụng nhiều công nghệ hiện đại, ONET IDC đã giúp hàng ngàn khách hàng tin tưởng lựa chọn, mang lại sự ổn định tuyệt đối cho website của khách hàng để thúc đẩy việc kinh doanh đạt được hiệu quả và thành công.
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Top 10 PDF Readers on Linux

The popularity of Portable Document Format (PDF) files increased drastically in recent years. Being one of the most secure file formats to share on the internet, the use of PDF files is increasing rapidly. Almost every Linux distribution is bundled with a basic PDF reader but these have some limitations. So today we are going to have a look at best feature-rich PDF readers which you can use on Linux. There are many PDF readers available for Linux thanks to famous developer communities like GNOME and KDE. These PDF readers come with features to enable users to accomplish more tasks in addition to just reading documents while some come with very basic features. 1. Adobe Reader Adobe Reader is a very popular PDF reader on almost all popular platforms. If you have recently switched from Windows then you must be familiar with Adobe Reader. Earlier it was not available for Linux but now it is available with all the features you experience on Windows as well as Mac. Adobe Reader seems to be #1 PDF reader in terms of features and overall user experience. It offers features like adding annotations documents, document printing, etc. You need to install it manually on Linux by running following commands one-by-one because it is not available in Ubuntu Software Centre. $ sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-murrine:i386 libcanberra-gtk-module:i386 libatk-adaptor:i386 libgail-common:i386 $ sudo add-apt-repository "deb precise partner" $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install adobereader-enu 2. Evince Evince is a document viewer basically designed for GNOME desktop environment. It comes bundled with all Linux repositories and you can install it manually using the command given below. Evince is a lightweight and simple PDF reader which offers very good overall user experience. Evince offers features such as Thumbnails, Search Tool, Printing and Encrypted Document Viewing. It supports document formats like PDF, XPS, Postscript, dvi, etc. $ sudo apt-get install evince 3. Okular Okular is a cross-platform document reader developed by the KDE community for KDE desktop environment. Okular offers more features as compared to Evince and supports document file formats like PDF, PostScript, DjVu, XPS and many others. Okular features includes page annotations, extract text from PDF file to text file, bookmarks and many more. It works smoothly on low-end machines and also handles large PDF files effortlessly. You can install Okular manually using following command. $ sudo apt-get install okular 4. Zathura Zathura is free and very easy to use lightweight document viewer which is very popular among Linux users. Zathura offers features like search, mouse-free navigation, synctex support, bookmarks, automatic document reloading and easy customization. Zathura has very simple user interface which works on minimal hardware resources. It supports document file formats such as PDF, PostScript, DjVu and others. You can install this document viewer from Ubuntu Software Centre or manually from Terminal using following command. $ sudo apt-get install zathura 5. GNU GV GNU GV is a document viewer which helps you view and read PDF documents on X display by providing a graphical user interface for the Ghostscript interpreter. It is very simple and easy to use document viewer which supports document file formats like PDF, PostScript, etc. GNU GV offers very basic features which you will find in any normal document viewer. You can install GV document viewer from Ubuntu Software Centre or manually from Terminal using following command. $ sudo apt-get install gv 6. MuPDF MuPDF is a free and open-source document viewer developed in C. It is a lightweight document viewer which supports document file formats like PDF, XPS, EPUB, OpenXPS, etc. MuPDF is a simple yet powerful document viewer which offers features like software library, command line tools, document annotations, edit and convert documents to HTML, PDF, CBZ and many other file formats. To install MuPDF you can head over to Ubuntu Software Centre or you can also install it using following command. $ sudo apt-get install mupdf 7. ePDF Viewer ePDF Viewer is simple and lightweight document viewer which supports document file formats like PDF and PostScript. Its user interface is very simple and runs smoothly on minimal hardware utilization. ePDF viewer offers features like search, bookmark, annotations, etc. You can install this document viewer directly from Ubuntu Software Centre. 8. Foxit Reader Foxit Reader is a cross-platform PDF reader which offers features like shared viewing, create and edit, digitally sign and print PDF files. It has very slick user interface which offers very good overall user experience. Foxit Reader supports many document file formats including PDF, PostScript, XPS and other document file formats. To install Foxit Reader run following commands in Terminal one-by-one. $ cd /tmp $ gzip –d $ tar –xvf $ ./ 9. Atril Atril is a document reader which comes bundled with MATE desktop environment.  Atril is very similar to Evince which is default document reader on Linux. It is lightweight and very simple document reader which you will find very easy to use. Atril offers very basic features such as user interface customization, bookmark and thumbnails on left side of UI. It supports document file formats like PDF, PostScript and many more. You can install Atril by running following command in Terminal. sudo apt-get install atril 10. Xpdf Xpdf is a free and open-source PDF viewer available for Linux as well as Windows operating system. It offers very basic features such as PDF to PostScript converter, text extractor, etc. It has very simple user interface which you will find very easy to use. Xpdf supports document file formats like PDF, PostScript, XPS, etc. It can be installed directly from Ubuntu Software Centre or by running following command in Terminal. $ sudo apt-get install xpdf So these are the best PDF readers you can use on Linux. Don’t forget to share your views on other PDF readers you use other than those listed above by tweeting at @LinuxHint ...

11 Best Backup Tools for Linux

Backup is one of the most important things to do in your digital life. This is EXTREMELY important for those who have to work with sensitive data and important files where data corruption can lead to a major disaster. For example, your office document is already in your 5-years old HDD in your computer. Now, if you keep a backup of your important files elsewhere, then the HDD, no matter whenever its fate decides, can rest in peace. In the case of Linux systems, there are a number of available backup solutions that offer professional grade support and performance. These tools are essentially software that make a copy of important files in a safer place. There are numerous scenarios where such a tool can save the day. For example, whenever you are upgrading your system or installing a major component, things are too easy to go wrong. In that case, a system backup would save you from any problem. Here are some of the best backup tools for Linux. Rsync This is a command line tool for Linux systems. No need to fear as there’s also a graphical interface of the tool – Grsync. Expert admins are able to get the maximum out of it. For general users, it’s better to go with its graphical interface version. Besides Grsync, there’s another front-end tool to make rsync work – Luckbackup. For advanced usage, the command line version is more useful as it allows more versatility for automation and scripting. We’ve already covered a great tutorial on using rsync for performing auto backup. Timeshift For Linux Mint users, Timeshift is a tremendously powerful tool that can save a lot of time in terms of system backup. This tool is also available for other Linux systems. If you’re not a Linux Mint user, then you also have the option to secure your system with Timeshift.  Timeshift was also featured on Linux Hint. Take a look at backing up and restoring your Linux system with Timeshift.  It is advertised on the Timeshift website as a tool that will be familiar to Mac users with the proprietary Time Machine tool. Bacula Bacula is an enterprise grade open-source backup tool.  It is a client server system that can run on a small home system or a large enterprise wide backup deployment. Its task doesn’t require any intervention from any computer operator or system admin. Bacula is able to work with a wide range of pro backup devices and even with tape libraries. This tool is accessible via command line, web interface or GUI. The back-end is a catalog of info that the tool stores in MySQL, SQLite or PostgreSQL.  If you come from using a commerical backup and restore tool, you will be at home with the free and open source Bacula solution Other features of Bacula include: Catalog Services, Ability to find and repair damaged files, TLS authentication, compression and accurate backup, writing to multiple volumes, virtual backup and duplicate job control and a Monitoring UI. Amanda It’s another awesome open-source tool for backup on Linux written in C and Perl.  Originally developed at University of Maryland and now homed at and Sourceforge.  Amanda is also available for other platforms like UNIX and Windows. The tool supports native backup facilities and formats that can even perform backup on Linux system. You can also use Amanda if you wish to make a backup from several machines that are on a network. Other features of Amanda include: Intelligent scheduling, auto data retention and deposition policy, rapid installer, backup fault tolerance, flexible media options, tape management, encryption, and integration with Kerberos. Cloud Berry Backup Brought to you by CloudBerry Labs, this solution comes in a Freemium model with a free version and an enhanced paid version both for Linux operating systems. The solution will backup a linux system to the cloud of your choice. You can use the Command Line Interface or the WebUI to perform full or incremental backup jobs. Schedule Backups and retention policies based on a calendar and get notified via email for successful backup jobs or errors. Encryption and compression are available in the paid version. Now having a limited space for backup’s is not a problem by leveraging commodity cloud storage you can control. Clonezilla The main mechanism of this software includes cloning and imaging partitions, udpcast etc. Clonezilla comes up in 2 different variation – one for the general users (Clonezilla live) and another for server usage (Clonezilla SE).  As the name implies it is focused on system images and system cloning, but in addition Clonezilla is suitable as a backup and restore tool as well. Other features of Clonezilla include: entire disk/partition saving and restoring, image encryption, imaging and cloning tuning, single image to multiple devices restoring, unattended mode, multiple file system support Back in Time Just the name suggests, this tool is able to send your system and/or your file(s) and directory(s) back in time! Its a simple tool written in Qt and Python. In reality, the tool takes a snapshot of your target file/directory into the backup directory. You can easily set the backup frequency.  Its available in Ubuntu PPA, Arch repos or build from source.  On the project website it claims: “Back In Time – A simple backup tool for Linux“. BackupNinja This is a powerful reinforcement backup tool for Linux users. This tool allows plain reinforcement action design documents. The tool can hang the documents in “/etc/backup.d/”. The processes this tool perform are secure, remote and provides incremental reinforcements over a system. Other features include: email alarms, works with virtual Linux servers, schedule reinforcements BackupPC BackupPC’s home page claims it is a “high-performance, enterprise-grade backup system”.  This tool doesn’t require any client-side software for running the entire process. This tool also features full file compression and doesn’t use much disk space.  Other features include: highly flexible, huge documentation, full set of restore option, extremely powerful web UI. Fwbackups Here is another free and open-source tool for backing up your file(s) and directory(s). The tool features a really simple and self-explanatory interface. This tool is cross-platform and boasts of high user satisfaction rate. Other features include: excellent and simple interface, remote backup, entire file backup, exclude file(s) and/or directories or backup the entire system.  This is a fairly straightforward and simple toolset that does not claim to be enterprise grade. Burp Burp is a feature rich, free and open-source tool for backup. This tool is able to take snapshots of both the Linux and Windows system, it is network speed and disk space optimized for high performance. It can utilize either rsync or a specialized de-duplication algorithm for efficiency. Features include: resuming interrupted backups, schedule backups, backup and restore file(s), directories, hardlinks, symlinks, nodes, permissions and timestamps as well, advanced network compression and throttling, delta differencing, encryption, scheduling, automated retention periods, and notifications. Déjà Dup If you’re in search for a simple backup tool, then Déjà Dup is a perfect choice. In fact, this tool is also able to cloud backup your files and directories to cloud services like Google Drive and Nextcloud. That’s a really good feature. Other features include: duplicity as the backend, compression and encryption of data, incremental backups, scheduling backups. CONCLUSION To safely backup your Linux system(s) you won’t need to shell out big bucks or use a proprietary system with all these FOSS options above.  Be safe. ...

Raspberry Pi 3 Power Requirements

Raspberry Pi 3 is a cheap single board computer (SBC) or simply microcomputer. It can be used to teach programming to kids, do electronics project, run a small home server and many more. The possibilities are limitless. Raspberry Pi 3 also consumes very low power. You can even keep a Raspberry Pi 3 running for a long time with an ordinary Mobile Power Bank that you use every day to charge your Android phone. Isn’t that amazing? You can say good-bye to your expensive UPS and keep your Raspberry Pi microcomputer running as long as you want in case of power failure with very low cost in your home. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is the last two revisions of Raspberry Pi 3 single board computer. Fig: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B (picture from In this article, I will talk about Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and its power requirements. So let’s get started. Hardware Specification of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B was released in February 2016. It has 64 Bit Quad Core 1.2 GHz Broadcom BCM2837 CPU. The CPU architecture is ARMv8. 1 GB of RAM Soldered on Board. On Board Wireless LAN. On Board Bluetooth Low Energy 4.1 (or BLE 4.1). 10/100-Base-T Ethernet Port (RJ-45). 4 USB 2.0 Ports. 40 GPIO Pins for connecting and controlling other electronic devices and different Raspberry Pi modules, such as Raspberry Pi Camera module. 4 Pole Stereo Audio and Video output via 3.5mm connector. HDMI port for Audio and Video output. micro USB port as power supply. An On Board micro SD Card Slot. Difference Between Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+: In March 14, 2018, the Pi Day 2018, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ was release with slight hardware improvements. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ has a 1.4 GHz Quad Core Cortex-A53 (ARMv8 architecture) CPU, which is slightly faster than the CPU of the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ has Bluetooth Low Energy 4.2. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B has Bluetooth Low Energy 4.1. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ can boot from the USB 2.0 storage devices such as USB thumb drives connected to the USB 2.0 ports by default. Boot from USB 2.0 devices connected to the USB 2.0 ports of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B is disabled by default. You will have to manually enable it. But both Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ can boot from micro SD card connected to the micro SD card slot. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ has support for 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz WiFi channels but Raspberry Pi 3 Model B does not. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ has support for PoE over the Ethernet port (RJ-45), which Raspberry Pi 3 Model B does not. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ has 10/100 Mbps Ethernet port (RJ-45) on board. But if you want to connect a Gigabit Ethernet to your Raspberry Pi, you can on Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ using a USB 2.0 Ethernet LAN card. But the speed will be limited to 300Mbps. On Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, you can’t do such thing. That’s basically the main difference between Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. I have Raspberry Pi 3 Model B, so that’s what I will be using in the upcoming articles. But it should be applicable to Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ as well without any changes. Power Requirements of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+: You need a 5V, 2.5 Amp micro USB power adapter for powering your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. You can use many of the good Android phone charger to power on your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ device. You can also use a regular power bank that you use on your phone to power on your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. Any Android phone charger and power bank should work. But I recommend you don’t use bad or cheap chargers. The cables in those chargers are not good. So, voltage drops in the cable, leaving less than 5.0 V for your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ microcomputer. In that case, when you power on your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+, it should boot, but you will see a small lighting symbol on the screen. The lighting symbol means, your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ is running on low power mode. If you connect power hungry USB devices to your raspberry pi, it may reset on its own as it does not have enough power to run properly. Power Consumption of Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+: Raspberry Pi 3 Model B consumes less power than Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B consumes about 260 mA of current at 5.0 V (which is about 1.3-1.4 Watt) when no USB devices are connected to it and it’s in idle state. Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ consumes about 400 mA of current at 5.0 V (which is about 1.9-2.1 Watt) when no USB devices are connected to it and it’s in idle state. If you add more accessories to your Raspberry Pi 3 Model B and Raspberry Pi 3 B+ or if it’s not idle (working), then the power consumption will increase. Saving Power on Raspberry Pi: If you want to save power, you should of course connect less accessories to your Raspberry Pi and disable the features that you don’t need. So, that’s it. Thanks for reading this article. ...
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