TeamSpeak 3 is a secured voice enabled software that allows users to communicate between each other over the Internet or local network. TeamSpeak is very popular especially amongst online gamblers, as well as for education. Its great for business communication, training and keeping in touch with friends and family. It runs on Linux, Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X OSes, as well as on the Android and iOS mobile platforms.
The latest release TeamSpeak 3 Client 3.1.0 comes with a set of new features, which includes support for myTeamSpeak.
Other New Features
- You can now browse and install available addons directly from your TeamSpeak client in Tools -> Options -> Addons.
- There is now support for IPv6 (requires server or newer)
- Improved echo cancellation
- and more, see changelog for full changes
How to Install TeamSpeak 3 on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 15.04, Ubuntu 14.04
32-bit OS
wget sudo chmod +x ----- When you run this next command, press "q" and you will asked to Accept the License ----- ./ cd TeamSpeak3-Client* ./
64-bit OS
wget sudo chmod +x ----- When you run this next command, press "q" and you will asked to Accept the License ----- ./ cd TeamSpeak3-Client* ./
- When install is completed, you will be prompted to login or create a new account if this is your first time
When you signup for a myTeamSpeak account, this will allow you to synchronize your bookmarks, identities, hotkeys, whisper lists and channel subscriptions. According to the developers, upcoming myTeamSpeak features will include addons synchronization, addons update management, and many more.