R 3.3.3 released with new features and bug fixes – Install R base on Ubuntu

Chưa phân loại

R (also known as GNU S) is a free open source programing software environment used for statistical computation and graphics. R-base ubuntu runs on a variety of Linux platforms, Windows and MacOS. Furthermore, it consists of a run-time environment with graphics, debugger, ability to run programs stored in script files and access to certain system functions.

Before we proceed on how to install r 3.3.3 ubuntu, let’s see what new features comes with this latest release and bugfixes addressed.

R 3.3.3 Changelog

New Features

Changes when redirection of a http:// URL to a https:// URL is encountered:

  • The internal methods of



    now report that they cannot follow this (rather than failing silently).

  • (Unix-alike)
    download.file(method = "auto")

    (the default) re-tries with

    method = "libcurl"


  • (Unix-alike)
    url(method = "default")

    with an explicit


    argument re-tries with

    method = "libcurl"

    . This covers many of the usages, e.g.


    with a URL argument.


  • The

    check for the


    version is now robust to versions longer than 5 characters, including



  • (C-level Native routine registration.) The undocumented

    field of the components of




    is deprecated

Bug Fixes

  • Package installation into a library where the package exists via symbolic link now should work when 


  • Fix buffer overflow vulnerability in

    when loading an encoding file

  • getDLLRegisteredRoutines()

    now produces its warning correctly when multiple DLLs match

  • Sys.timezone()

    now returns non-NA also on platforms such as Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS

  • On some systems, very small hexadecimal numbers in hex notation would underflow to zero

See release note for full list

How to Install R 3.3.3 on Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04 as well as Ubuntu 14.04

  • Follow the steps below to download rbase and install
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:marutter/rrutter  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install r-base r-base-dev

How to uninstall R 3.3.3 from Ubuntu

sudo apt-get remove r-base r-base-dev
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