Getting Started
Ansible debug module is easy to use. For our first example, let’s try a simple hello world playbook. You can set up the 1_debug_example.yml playbook file:
– name: Debug Example – Hello World
hosts: localhost
– name: Print debug message
The msg argument prints the information. Now if you run the playbook, you see the debug message:
Running Loops
Let’s try a more complicated example. In this example, the playbook 2_debug_example.yml has the following code:
– name: Debug Example with Loop
hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
– name: Find Server
msg: "{{ }} is {{ item.cpu }}"
– name: machine1
cpu: 2.4GHz
memory: 2MB
disk: 100GB
network: 10Mbps
– name: machine2
cpu: 3GHz
memory: 1MB
disk: 500GB
network: 40Mbps
– name: machine3
cpu: 1.7GHz
memory: 4MB
disk: 200GB
network: 100Mbps
label: "{{ }}"
It’s going to print out the server names and CPU speeds.
Debug Module Verbosity Control
You can set up your debug module to control the verbosity levels. Let’s create the playbook 3_debug_example.yml:
– name: Debug Example Uptime
hosts: localhost
connection: local
– name: Find Uptime
shell: /usr/bin/uptime
register: result
– name: Print debug message
var: result
verbosity: 2
Here we are registering a variable called result to store debug information. When you run the playbook without any flags:
You don’t see any debug information.
Now let’s try running the playbook command with “-v” flag:
You have a lot more information than before. It’s printing out the uptime information that you ran on the shell.
If you try the “-vv” flag, you get more verbose information:
You can set up the Ansible debug module to make it easier to find problems. If you are working with others, you can set up the debug module in such a way that you can get verbose output only when you want.
Further Study: