Best Zorin OS Wallpapers

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Wallpaper is the very first thing that welcomes you when you log in to your computer. We may not feel like it but the sensory response is a strong source of invoking emotion. That’s why you’ll notice advertisements on the subway. They’re silently doing their job of communicating an idea, a concept into our subconscious self. Similar rule applies to the wallpaper of your system.

It’s truer in the case of Linux distros. When you’re diving into the world of Linux, it’s important to stay in the right mood. Trust me; having the right wallpaper can really change your mood. If you’re using Zorin OS, then you’ve probably shifted to Linux from Windows/macOS. Well, why not cheer up your Linux experience?

In this article, let’s have a look at some great Zorin OS wallpapers out there. There’s actually no best wallpaper in the world; it’s all subjective. Here are the ones that I love the most. Feel free to explore your way around!

Changing wallpaper on Zorin OS

The goal of Zorin OS is to become the new alternative of Windows and macOS. With the power of Linux, it heavily tweaks its interface to match the look and feel of Windows/macOS. That’s why you’ll find similar ways of customizing the operating system.

In order to change the wallpaper, right-click on any blank space on the desktop and select “Change background”.

It’ll open the “Appearance” option. Here, you can change the wallpaper of both the normal background and the lock screen background. With both of them being separate, you can configure two different wallpaper.

Let’s see how to set the wallpaper from an image file.

Here, I’ve grabbed a wallpaper from Unsplash.

Right-click on the image and select “Set as Wallpaper”.

Looks good, right?

If you have a ton of wallpaper at hand, it’s recommended to have a dedicated directory. This way, you can manage your wallpaper connection better.

Fire up the terminal and run the following command.

mkdir ~/myWallpaper

Best wallpaper for Zorin OS

Here are some of my most favorite wallpapers for Zorin OS. There are plenty of sources all over the internet to grab fine wallpapers. In my case, Unsplash is my most favorite place. Check out Unsplash.

Final thoughts

You may be wondering why most of my wallpapers come from the “Nature” genre, right? That’s the theme I like the most, actually. In my experience, it’s the touch of nature that calms my mind the most. It’s the touch of nature that works the best to keep me going.

Unsplash is a huge collection of some of the finest wallpapers at the best quality. From this page, you may not get the finest quality of the original image. In that case, you should grab them directly from Unsplash. Zorin OS will automatically resize the wallpapers to the screen resolution. That’s why I recommend getting the best resolution for the best experience.


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