How to install Babe Music Player – A New Tiny Qt Music Player

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Babe Music Player is a promising new tiny Qt Babe music player to keep your favorite songs at hand. Babe will handle all your whole music collections, hence letting you create custom playlists to organize your music with ease. Before we proceed on how to install Babe Music Player on ubuntu, lets look further on what it offers.

You can filter your music as desired by artist, title, album, genre, date as well as location. Furthermore, it let’s you babe-mark your favorite YouTube music videos into your local collection by using the Chromium extension.

You can think of Babe music player as the playlist where all your favorite tracks at the moment are. And when needed you can have an integrated collection manager.

Qt Babe Music Player Features

  • Babe has three different view modes:
    • the mini mode keeps on top of the windows as well as its size is just 200×200 px ,just displaying the art and playback controls
    • the playlist mode is unobtrusive as well as displays a list of your songs
    • the collection view let’s you browse your whole music collection by tracks, artists and albums, also let’s you get information about the current song playing.
  • Search keys to filter the results
    • location: (example: to see all the tracks from the YouTube extension: “location:youtube”)
    • artist: (get all matching artists)
    • album: (get all matching albums)
    • title: (get all matching titles)
    • genre: (get all matching genres)
  • quickly append search results, albums, artists and tracks to the main playlist or save them to a specific playlist
  • create colored mood tags for tracks that modify the main playlist color
  • use the chromium extension to babe your favorite youtube music videos and Babe will fetch the art and metadata of the track
  • quickly move between albums/artists with the playAll button that shows on hover in all the artworks
  • get native kde notifications for the plasma desktop
  • add songs to a queued special playlist if you want to play some track next

How to install Babe Music Player on Ubuntu 17.04, Ubuntu 16.10, Ubuntu 16.04, Ubuntu 14.04

  • The steps outlined below is how to compile on install Bebe Music Player on Ubuntu
git clone    cd babe-music-*    sudo apt-get install valac libgee-0.8-dev libgtk-3-dev libsoup2.4-dev libtagc0-dev libtag1-dev libges-1.0-dev libnotify-dev    sudo ln -s /usr/share/vala/vapi/gee-0.8.vapi /usr/share/vala/vapi/gee-1.0.vapi    valac --pkg gstreamer-1.0 --pkg gtk+-3.0 --pkg taglib_c --pkg gee-1.0 --pkg libxml-2.0 --pkg libsoup-2.4 --pkg libnotify babe.vala stream.vala lastfm.vala widgets.vala LyricFetcher.vala list.vala playlist.vala    ./babe

How to uninstall Qt Babe Music Player from Ubuntu

sudo rm babe-music-*
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