You all know that Adobe won’t be releasing any Flash Player anymore. The security patches for existing Flash Players will eventually stop as well. But there are still needs for Adobe Flash Player. Online gaming sites, advertising companies, and many other websites use Flash Player for their content. It’s slowly being replaced by HTML5, WebGL and other new technologies due to its security vulnerabilities found over the years. Adobe plans to completely shut down flash player by the year 2020.
Even though it’s a technology to be replaced in the future, some of us still need Adobe Flash player for our work or entertainment. In this article, I will show you how to install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 17.10 Artful Aardvark. It’s really easy to do so, let’s get started.
Getting things ready:
To install Adobe Flash Player on Ubuntu 17.10, first you must enable the ‘restricted’ repository of Ubuntu. You can do it through the command line, or through the graphical user interface (GUI). I will just keep it simple and use the graphical user interface (GUI) instead.
First click on “Show Applications” icon in the dash and search for “Software”.
Then click on the “Software & Updates” icon.
It should open the “Software & Updates” application. It should look as follows:
Usually only the ‘main’ repository is active. But for installing Flash player we need to have ‘restricted’ active as well. Just enable all of them for a hassle-free installation as shown in the screen shot for simplicity. If you don’t want some repository to be active, just disable them once you’re done installing Adobe Flash Player.
Now I am going to show you a website that I am going to use to test flash player: I am going to show you how it looks before Adobe Flash Player is installed, and after Adobe Flash Player is installed. So you know that it’s working.
If you visit, this is how it looks like before adobe flash player is installed. See that ‘NOPE – Adobe Flash is not installed!’ message? We are going to change that.
Installing Adobe Flash Player:
Installing Adobe Flash is really simple. Just open up your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T on Ubuntu) and write in the following commands to update the package repository cache.
Installing Adobe Flash Player:
Installing Adobe Flash is really simple. Just open up your terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T on Ubuntu) and write in the following commands to update the package repository cache.
“sudo apt-get update”
Now to install flash player run the following command:
“sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer“
Just type ‘Y’ and press <Enter>. Adobe Flash Player installation should start. Just wait a few minutes for it to finish.
Once it’s installed, go back to your web browser, visit and check it out! “YES! – Adobe Flash is installed!”, flash is installed and working correctly on Firefox.
That’s how easy it is to install and configure Adobe Flash Player for Firefox on Ubuntu 17.10.